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Of course, sometimes even back then the firstedition wasn't early enough.
SJ: The firstedition of the game was indeed overbalanced toward speed.
In the firstedition they forgot the preface, which is very strange.
Something less than fifty pounds for the firstedition; a small edition.
The firstedition of this selection was published at London in 1893.
Использование термина editio princeps на английском
My Society has printed an editioprinceps of the works of the father of history, Thucyderodotus Macolly-buckle.
The French text of the editioprinceps was printed in the first edition (1893) of this book.
Of the English editioprinceps the critic tells nothing, nor indeed has anyone as yet been able to tell us aught.
This editioprinceps of Suidas is always, when in tolerable condition, a wonderfully striking book: a masterpiece of solid, laborious, and beautiful Greek printing.
The work was already partially known by quotations, the first Book had been attributed to Origen, and published in the editioprinceps of his works.
The work was discovered by Poggio, who copied the original MS. Editioprinceps (bks.
Next followed the EditioPrinceps of the 'Variae,' published at Augsburg in 1533, by Mariangelus Accurtius.
Editioprinceps of complete works by Gesner, 1556; Hercher, 1864-1866.
( Editioprinceps, 1601; first important critical edition by (Jacobs, 1821; litter editions by Hirschig, 1856; Hercher, 1858.
Editioprinceps by Leo Allatius (1651), with the editor's famous teatise De Georgiis eorumque Scriptis; editions in the Bonn Corpus Scriptoruin Hist.
The EditioPrinceps of the 'Chronicon' is contained in a collection of Chronicles published at Basel in 1529 by Joannes Sichardus (printer, Henricus Petrus).